cicatrize verb.
['sɪkǝtrʌɪz] Also
LME.[Old & mod. French cicatriser, -icer, formed as CICATRICE; assim. to verbs in -IZE.]1. verb trans. Heal (a wound etc.) by scarring; skin over.
LME.2. verb intrans. Of a wound etc.: become healed by forming a scar.
LME.3. verb trans. Mark with scars; scar.
E18. ■ cica'trizant adjective & noun (a medicine) that cicatrizes wounds etc.
M17. ■ cicatri'zation noun the formation of a scar in the healing of a wound etc.
M16. ■ cicatrizer noun a person who or thing which cicatrizes wounds etc.
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