coralline adjective & noun2.
['kɒrǝlʌɪn] M17.[French corallin, -ine or late Latin corallinus, from Latin corallum CORAL noun: see -INE1.]A. adjective.
1. Of the colour of red coral.
M17.2. Of the nature of coral; formed of or from coral.
M17.■ John Phillips Coralline oolite and calcareous grits.3. Resembling coral;
spec. (of an alga) belonging to the family Corallinaceae (see
CORALLINE noun1 1).
M19.b. noun. Coral.
L18. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲
coralline noun1.
['kɒrǝlʌɪn] M16.[Italian corallina dim. of corallo CORAL noun.]1. A seaweed of the genus
Corallina (family Corallinaceae), having a calcareous jointed stem; any plant of the family Corallinaceae, which comprises lime-secreting red algae.
M16.2. A marine animal, esp. a bryozoan, which lives in colonies resembling coral.
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