swan-neck noun & adjective.
['swɒnnɛk] L17.[from SWAN noun + NECK noun1. Cf. German Schwanenhals, Swedish svanhals, also Middle High German swanhals narrow sickle.]A. noun.
1. Any of various structural parts or devices having a curved cylindrical form like a swan's neck.
L17.2. A neck like that of a swan; a long slender neck.
M19.b. attrib. or as
adjective. Of a curved form like a swan's neck.
M19.swan-neck deformity Medicine a deformity seen in fingers affected by rheumatoid arthritis, in which the interphalangeal joints are extended or flexed.
■ swan-necked adjective (a) having a long slender neck;
(b) having a curved cylindrical form like a swan's neck:
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