wite verb trans. [wʌɪt] obsolete exc.
Scot. &
north. Also
[Old English wītan, corresp. to Old Frisian wīta, Old Saxon wītan, Old High German wīan, Old Norse víta, Gothic -weitan (fraweitan avenge), rel. to WITE noun2 Cf. TWIT verb.]1. Lay the blame for (a thing) on a person etc. (Foll. by
on, to, upon.)
OE.b. Impute as guilt. Also, in neutral sense, impute.
LME-M16.2. Impute the guilt to, blame, (a person). (Foll. by
for, of, with the thing imputed.)
ME. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲
wite noun1.
[wʌɪt] Long
obsolete exc.
Hist.[Old English wita weak masc. (also ġewita in sense 2) = Old Frisian wita, Old Saxon giwito (Middle Low German wete) witness, Old High German wio (giwio witness), from Germanic stem rel. to WIT verb.]1. A wise man, a councillor;
spec. a member of the witan.
OE.2. A witness.
OE-ME. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲
wite noun2.
[wʌɪt] obsolete exc.
dial. &
Hist. Also
[Old English wīte = Old Frisian wīte, Old Saxon wīti, Old High German wīi, Old Norse víti punishment, based on var. of Germanic verb meaning 'know': see WIT verb.]1. Punishment; penalty; pain inflicted in punishment or torture,
esp. the torments of hell. Long
arch. OE.b. Hist. In Anglo-Saxon law, a fine imposed for certain offences or privileges. Freq. as second elem. in compounds, esp.
bloodwite (see
BLOOD noun).
OE.2. Blame, reproach; blameworthiness, fault. Now
Scot. &
north. ME.■ R. L. Stevenson But now it's done, Alan; and who's to bear the wyte of it?b. The person who or thing which is to blame.
Scot. E16-E18.3. Offence, wrongdoing; a wrong. Only in
ME. ■ witeless adjective (
Scot., now
rare) blameless
M16. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲