خودآموز تاچ استون - سطح 1خودآموز تاچ استون - سطح 1 (آزمون درس 7)
مدت زمان پاسخگویی به پرسشهای این بخش 10 دقیقه می باشد.
پس از اتمام پاسخگویی، گزینه ارزشیابی و مشاهده پاسخ را انتخاب نمایید.
Complete the phone message. Use the present continuous of the verbs in parentheses. Use contractions where possible.

1. Hi, Rick. This is Jennifer. I (call) from home.

2. I hope you (not work) today.

3. My friend Alicia (visit) from Los Angeles.

4,5. It (rain) and cold, so we (not go) out.

Do you want to come over? Give me a call.

Write questions with the present continuous.

6. (you / get / enough sleep / these days)

7. (how much / your brother / study / this semester)

8. (what / your parents / do / right now)

9. (you / spend / a lot of time / with your friends / this month)

10. (your best friend / play / any sports / this year)

Choose the correct words.

11. Anita is basketball this season.

12. We usually bowling on Saturday night.

13. I aerobics every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

14. My brothers aren’t karate this fall.

15. My sister running in the park twice a week.

16. I’m not soccer this year.

Match the sentences with a-f.

(a) a run

(b) guitar

(c) the newspapers

(d) a bike

(e) cards

(f) fishing

17. My brother likes playing the .

18. I never go .

19. We enjoy playing .

20. I don't often go for .

21. My daughter can ride .

22. I don't like reading .

Think about the sound of these words. Select the words with the sound /h/

23. she

24. there

25. here

26. hate

27. that

28. hi

29. hair

30. chair