Put the words in the correct order to make questions. Then complete the answers. Use the correct form of be or do / does.
A) ? (student / you / a / be / part time)
B) . I only go to class twice a week.
A) ? (your / go out / sister / do / a lot)
B) . She likes to stay home.
A) . (here / do / parents / live / your / near)
B) . They live nearby.
A) ? (have / do / sisters / any / you)
B) . But I have a brother.
Choose the correct responses.
A) I love baseball.
B) .
A) I can't speak Russian.
B) .
A) I don't like to shop.
B) .
A) I'm from a big family.
B) .
Read the situations. Choose the correct conversation starters.
You're in your English class. A new student is sitting next to you.
14. You're waiting in a line in front of a jazz club. It's a nice evening.
15. You're in the school cafeteria. Someone sits down at your table.
16. You're at your friend Susan's party. You meet someone new.
Complete the conversations with question pronouns (WH pronouns).
Anna: Hi, I'm Anna. What's your name?
Caroline: I'm Caroline. I'm new here.
17. Anna: do you work?
Caroline: At the General Hospital. I'm a nurse.
Anna: Oh! I work there too. I'm a technician.
18. Caroline: Really? And often do you come to the gym?
Anna: Two or three days a week.
Justin: Are you new here?
Tom: Yes, I am.
19. Justin: did you start?
Tom: On Monday.
20. Justin: is your desk?
Tom: That one, opposite the window.
Justin: And who's your boss?
Tom: Maria Cardoso.
21. Justin: 's she like?
Tom: She's great.
Think about the sound of these words. How many syllables are there? Select 1,2, or 3.
Example: goes : 1
22. closes
23. reads
24. finishes
25. sings
26. dances