Complete the conversations. Put the words in parentheses in the correct order.
A) Which sofa do you like? Do you like the (green / big) one?
B) No, I like the (brown / small) one.
A) I love the (big / square) clocks.
B) I don't. I prefer those (round / plastic) ones.
A) I want to buy a (silk / beautiful) rug.
B) But you already have two (Turkish / nice) ones.
A) Look at those (antique / huge) lamps. Which one do you like best?
B) I like that (cool / Russian) lamp.
Complete the conversations with mine, yours, hers, his, ours, or theirs.
A) This is a really nice apartment. Wow! Is this your TV?
B) No. Everything in the living room is Ken's.
A) What about the CD player? Is that too?
B) Yeah, I have in the kitchen. I like to listen to music while I cook.
A) Really? We keep in the kitchen, too. . . .
A) I've got my tickets. Do you have ?
B) Yes, I do. Do you have Karen's, too?
A) No, she has . Are we taking Mom and Dad's car to the theater?
B) No. Let's go in my car. They're going to need tonight.
Read each situation. Complete the request.
15. You're at a friend's house. You would like to listen to the radio.
Do you mind ?
16. You ask a friend to water your plants while you're away for a few days.
Could you please ?
17. A friend is visiting you in your home. You need help in the kitchen.
Would you mind ?
18. You are in a friend's apartment. The window is open and you feel cold.
Can I ?
Choose the correct word or phrase to complete the email.
19. Hi Adam, Be careful if you an email from someone called Hugo.
20,21. It says 'It's your lucky day!' in the at the top, and it's got an .
22,23,24. Don't open it! - it's a ! Just highlight it, on the button and it.
It's junk mail - it isn't from me! , Your friend, Hugo
Think about the sound of these words. Match the pronunciation with these words: we'll - you'll - I'll - they'll - it'll - she'll
25. /ju:l/ :
26. /ʃi:l/ :
27. /wi:l/ :
28. /ɑIl/ :
29. /δeIl/ :
30. /Itl/ :