خودآموز امریکن انگلیش فایل - استارترخودآموز امریکن انگلیش فایل - استارتر (آزمون درس 5)
مدت زمان پاسخگویی به پرسشهای این بخش 10 دقیقه می باشد.
پس از اتمام پاسخگویی، گزینه ارزشیابی و مشاهده پاسخ را انتخاب نمایید.
Select the correct sentence.

1._____ they live?

2.I _____ coffee.

3._____ downtown?

4.This _____ is great.

5.I _____ your haircut.

6.They _____ in school.

7.I do not _____ a job.

8.I like _____ for breakfast.

9._____ a sandwich?

10.We _____ milk with breakfast.

11.I don't _____ the newspaper.

12._____ a son?

13.“_____ is it?” “It’s time for lunch!”

14.I _____ TV in the morning.

15.I _____ dogs.

16._____ eat for dinner?

17.I _____ to school on Saturdays.

18.I _____ magazines.

19._____ six.

20._____ downtown?

21.They eat _____ for dinner.

22.Yes, I _____ music.

23.I love Italian food. I eat _____ every day!

24.You _____ breakfast on Sundays.

25.My children _____ eat meat.

26._____ the radio?

27.We _____ a new car.

28.“Do you eat pizza for breakfast?” ”No, _____ eat pizza.”

29.“_____ to school?” “They walk.”

30.“Excuse me. _____ it?” “Sorry, I don’t know.”