خودآموز امریکن انگلیش فایل - استارترخودآموز امریکن انگلیش فایل - استارتر (آزمون درس 6)
مدت زمان پاسخگویی به پرسشهای این بخش 10 دقیقه می باشد.
پس از اتمام پاسخگویی، گزینه ارزشیابی و مشاهده پاسخ را انتخاب نمایید.
Select the correct sentence.

1.Francis _____ in a hospital.

2.Miguel _____ gym.

3.Paul is a teacher. _____ in a school.

4.My mom _____ dinner.

5.What _____ he do?

6.Tanya is a _____. She works at a school.

7.Do you _____ homework in the evening?

8.A _____ works in a restaurant.

9.Angela _____ shopping on weekends.

10.Silvia is a student. _____ in the evenings.

11._____ before 6:00?

12.That cat lives on the street. _____ people.

13.We _____ coffee before lunch.

14.My sister _____ my children on Tuesdays.

15.He _____ coffee after 12:00.

16._____ in an apartment?

17.What time do you _____ home?

18."What do you do, Selma?" "I'm _____."

19.Marcelo _____ a sandwich for lunch. He has one every day.

20.My father is a policeman. He works _____.

21._____ to work at night.

22.Ji-hae _____ to the gym on Mondays.

23.He _____ school at eleven thirty.

24.She _____ work before 6:00.

25._____ work in a hospital?

26.Irina _____ at home in the morning.

27.We _____ at 11:00.

28.The children _____ a bath before dinner.

29.Reynaldo _____ cats.

30.Gael's family _____ shopping on Saturdays.