خودآموز امریکن انگلیش فایل - سطح 5خودآموز امریکن انگلیش فایل - سطح 5 (آزمون درس 10)
مدت زمان پاسخگویی به پرسشهای این بخش 10 دقیقه می باشد.
پس از اتمام پاسخگویی، گزینه ارزشیابی و مشاهده پاسخ را انتخاب نمایید.
Select the correct sentence.

1.Rebekka and her boyfriend have a long-term _____ to each other, even though she’s currently living in Canada and he’s still in Germany.

2.You’ve all had a long flight. Please feel free to go up to your rooms and _____ down for a while before we tour the city this afternoon.

3.In order to assimilate into a new country, there are many things _____ the language that you’ll need to learn.

4.Although Elias had grown up in the US, his interests and experiences were so vastly different from his peers’ that he often felt like _____ at school.

5.Anastasia was so traumatized after the bullying incident that she _____ to speak to anyone about it for months afterwards.

6.After Viviana and Ramón were fired for speaking Spanish on the job, they _____ their employer for discrimination.

7.Sue read all the teen magazines she could find; she got a new haircut and begged her mother to buy her new clothes. All she really wanted was to _____ at school.

8.Mr. Wang _____ his plans to retire at yesterday’s staff meeting.

9._____ at the airport was that a security agent threw away most of the gifts that I had brought from China.

10._____ was Steve Reynolds who wrote the memo about starting an office softball team.

11._____ we started doing yoga was to reduce stress and increase our strength and flexibility.

12._____ to start running is a pair of sneakers.

13.The place _____ I usually work out is the park in my neighborhood.

14.What I want is _____.

15.The first _____ I saw him was last spring; he was playing guitar at a Spanish restaurant.

16.I think that the Olympic-size swimming pool at the sports center is about 13 feet _____.

17.Do you know what the official _____ of a football field should be?

18.I usually throw a banana into the blender to _____ my smoothies.

19.The tallest man-made structure in the world is the Burj Khalifa tower in Dubai, which reaches 2,722 feet in _____.

20.My knees were significantly _____ by the long descent down the stairs on the side of the Mayan temple.

21.I try to do 50 _____ every morning to strengthen my abdominal muscles.

22.She has long legs, which gives her a much longer _____ than I have.

23.Riding a bicycle in the city is _____ more dangerous than driving a car.

24.I don’t understand. Keira is _____ as smart as her twin sister, so why are her grades so much lower?

25.Scoring several goals every game, Kendrick is _____ the most talented player on the soccer team.

26.For some reason, a membership at this gym is _____ more expensive than the other one, even though the other one is bigger and has a pool.

27.You know, your chicken pot pie is _____ as good as Grandma’s! Please keep making it. I’m sure next time it will be perfect.

28.The more frequently you exercise, _____ it is for your health.

29.Unfortunately, our team is playing _____ worse than we did last year.

30.Why did you cut Mayra from the team but keep Emily? Emily can’t run _____ as fast as Mayra!