خودآموز امریکن انگلیش فایل - سطح 3خودآموز امریکن انگلیش فایل - سطح 3 (آزمون درس 3)
مدت زمان پاسخگویی به پرسشهای این بخش 10 دقیقه می باشد.
پس از اتمام پاسخگویی، گزینه ارزشیابی و مشاهده پاسخ را انتخاب نمایید.
Select the correct sentence.

1.Your car is older _____ mine.

2.We'll get there _____ if we go by train.

3.The traffic isn't as _____ on Thursdays as it is on Fridays.

4.You're more aggressive _____. I'm more relaxed when I'm driving.

5._____ flight I've ever been on was when I went to Thailand.

6.Who is _____ cook in your family?

7.We waited on the _____ for half an hour before our train arrived.

8.I got a parking _____ because I left my car in a bus lane.

9.There was _____ on the freeway. They're building a new service station.

10.How long _____ you to get to work every morning?

11.Call me when you land and I'll _____ you up at the airport.

12.Don't go over the speed _____. There are speed cameras on this road.

13.We were late because we got stuck in a _____.

14.When they go on long trips, _____ bus drivers need to take a lot of breaks.

15.My nephew is _____ taxi driver. He often works nights.

16.Turn right at _____ traffic light and go straight.

17.Some of the students go to _____ school by bus.

18.We found a parking space right outside _____ restaurant we were going to.

19.We arrived _____ the bus stop just as the bus came around the corner.

20.We might hire a van. It depends _____ the price.

21.I asked _____ a window seat, but there weren't any left.

22.Are you interested _____ visiting the art gallery?

23.That guy used to be married _____ a friend of mine.

24.My brother's really proud _____ his new car.

25.A: Men are better drivers than women, _____?B: No, not really.

26.A: _____, sports cars should be banned.B: I think you're right.

27.A: I hear they're building a new airport. B: _____, it's a waste of money.

28.A: _____ what you said about selling our car?B: Yes, I did. We don't need it.

29.A: Our taxi's here. Let's go.B: Oh, _____. Let me get my coat.

30.A: New York is much noisier than London.B: _____ that's right.