خودآموز امریکن انگلیش فایل - سطح 3خودآموز امریکن انگلیش فایل - سطح 3 (آزمون درس 6)
مدت زمان پاسخگویی به پرسشهای این بخش 10 دقیقه می باشد.
پس از اتمام پاسخگویی، گزینه ارزشیابی و مشاهده پاسخ را انتخاب نمایید.
Select the correct sentence.

1.The movie Life of Pi _____ by Ang Lee.

2.All the tickets for the opening night _____.

3.The movie _____ until next year.

4.The extras complained because they _____.

5.James Cameron _____ the Oscar for best director for Titanic in 1998.

6.Modern technology _____ the way people communicate.

7.Children's movies _____ in the afternoon and in the early evening at that movie theater.

8.Nick is really interested in the past and so he enjoys _____ films.

9.There was a really scary _____ movie on TV last night.

10.That was one of the funniest _____ I've ever seen.

11.The first movie was fantastic – I can't wait for the _____.

12.Although the _____ was completely unknown, the movie was very popular.

13.We don't watch original foreign movies because we don't like reading _____.

14.The movie _____ in North America a hundred years from now.

15.Mia Wasikowska played the _____ of Jane Eyre.

16.There's a traffic jam on the highway. There _____ construction ahead.

17.They've just bought their son an Audi. They _____ a fortune!

18.If I were you, I wouldn't buy Lucy that dress. She _____ it.

19.Alex isn't at his desk. He _____ in a meeting, or having a coffee.

20.I don't know why Sophie hasn't called me yet: she _____ my number.

21.I'm not sure who that girl is. She _____ his girlfriend, or his sister.

22.Josh _____ ill. I saw him at work this morning.

23.Paul _____ a car. He goes everywhere by public transportation.

24.My feet are so cold that I can't feel my _____.

25.I burned my _____ when I tasted the soup.

26.I broke a _____ yesterday when I was eating some sweets.

27.Have you noticed that your son always _____ the ball with his left foot?

28.Chloe was too surprised to speak, so she just _____ her head in agreement.

29.That _____ good. Can I taste it?

30.My dog always comes back to me when I _____.