abstinence[noun]Synonyms: self-denial, abstemiousness, avoidance, forbearance, moderation, self-restraint, soberness, teetotalism, temperance
Antonyms: self-indulgence
Contrasted words: gorging, sating, surfeiting, immoderateness, overdoing, unrestraint, crapulence, excess, extravagance
Related Words: renunciation [TahlilGaran] English Synonym Dictionary ▲
ab‧sti‧nence /ˈæbstənəns, ˈæbstɪnəns/
noun [uncountable][
Date: 1300-1400;
Language: Old French;
Origin: Latin abstinentia, from Latin abstinere; ⇒ abstain]
the practice of not having something you enjoy, especially alcohol or sex, usually for reasons of religion or health
—abstinent adjective [TahlilGaran] Dictionary of Contemporary English ▲