adrenal adjective & noun.
[ǝ'dri:n(ǝl)] L19.[from AD- 1 + RENAL.]Anatomy.
A. adjective. Situated above the kidney, suprarenal;
spec. designating or pertaining to the adrenals (see sense B. below).
L19.adrenal cortex the outer part of an adrenal gland, secreting corticosteroids and some other hormones.
adrenal medulla the central part of an adrenal gland, secreting adrenalin and noradrenaline.
adrenal rest: see
REST noun3 6.
b. noun. Either of the two small suprarenal glands, which secrete certain hormones, notably adrenalin and corticosteroids. Usu. in
pl. L19. ■ adrena'lectomy noun (an instance of) surgical removal of the adrenal glands
E20. ■ adrena'lectomized ppl adjective that has undergone adrenalectomy
E20. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲