agglutinate adjective.
[ǝ'glu:tɪnǝt] rare.
M16.[Latin agglutinatus pa. pple, formed as AGGLUTINATE verb: see -ATE2.]1. United as with glue; glued together.
M16.2. Philology. Of or formed by agglutination.
arch. M19. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲
agglutinate verb.
[ǝ'glu:tɪneɪt] M16.[Latin agglutinat- pa. ppl stem of agglutinare, from ad AG- + glutinare, from gluten glue: see -ATE3.]1. Biology &
a. verb trans. Orig., cause to adhere. Now, cause agglutination of.
M16.b. verb intrans. Undergo agglutination.
E20.2. verb trans. gen. Unite as with glue.
L16.3. verb trans. Philology. Compound (words) by agglutination.
M19. ■ a,gglutina'bility noun the quality or property of being agglutinable
E20. ■ agglutinable adjective (chiefly
Biology &
Medicine) able to cause or undergo agglutination
E20. ■ agglutinating adjective that agglutinates;
Philology agglutinative:
M17. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲