all right[adjective]Synonyms:- satisfactory, acceptable, adequate, average, fair, O.K.
or okay
(informal), standard, up to scratch
(informal)- O.K.
or okay
(informal), healthy, safe, sound, unharmed, uninjured, well, whole
[TahlilGaran] English Synonym Dictionary ▲
all ˈright S1 W2 adjective [not before noun], adverb, interjection1. GOOD satisfactory, but not excellent
Synonym : okay:
‘What’s the food like?’ ‘It’s all right, but the place on campus is better.’ ‘How’s school going, Steve?’ ‘Oh, all right, I guess.’2. NO PROBLEMS not ill, hurt, or upset or not having any problems
Synonym : okay:
Kate looks really unhappy – I’d better make sure she’s all right. Are you feeling all right? The kids seem to be getting on all right at school. Tony was worried about the meeting but it went all right (=happened with no problems). Don’t worry, it’ll turn out all right.3. do all right (for yourself/herself etc) to be successful in your job, life etc:
She’s doing all right – she’s got a job with Microsoft.4. SUITABLE used to say whether something is suitable or convenient
Synonym : okayall right with/by/for Is Thursday morning all right with you? We’ll eat at eight. Does that sound all right to you?5. it’s all right used to make someone feel less afraid or worried:
It’s all right, Mommy’s here.6. it’s/that’s all right used to reply to someone who thanks you or says they are sorry about something:
‘Thanks for all your help!’ ‘That’s quite all right.’7. PERMISSION used to ask or give permission for something
Synonym : okay:
Would it be all right if I left early?be all right to do something Is it all right to bring my dog?8. AGREEMENT used to agree with someone’s suggestion, although you may be slightly unwilling
Synonym : okay:
‘Why not come along?’ ‘Oh, all right.’9. UNDERSTANDING [sentence adverb] used to check that someone understands what you have said, or to show that you understand
Synonym : okay:
I’ll leave a key with the neighbours, all right? ‘The train leaves at 5.30.’ ‘All right, I’m coming!’10. THREATEN used when asking in a threatening or angry way what someone’s intentions are
Synonym : okay:
All right, you two. What are you doing in my room?11. CHANGE/END SUBJECT used to introduce a new subject or to end a conversation
Synonym : okay:
All right, now I’d like to introduce our first speaker.12. it’s all right for somebody British English informal used to say that someone else does not have the problems that you have, or that you are jealous because someone else is luckier than you:
‘I get eight weeks’ holiday a year.‘ ’Well, it’s all right for some.'13. EMPHASIZE informal used to emphasize that you are certain about something:
‘Are you sure it was Bill?’ ‘Oh, yes, it was him all right.’14. HAPPY American English informal used to say you are happy about something you have just been told:
You passed? All right!15. LIKE British English used to describe someone you like or approve of:
‘The new boss isn’t too bad, is she?’ ‘No, she’s all right.’16. GREETING informal especially British English used as a greeting when you meet someone you know well, or reply to a greeting:
‘How are you, John?’ ‘Oh, all right – can’t complain.’17. I’m all right Jack British English informal used to describe someone’s attitude when they do not care about other people as long as they themselves are happy, comfortable etc
18. it’ll be all right on the night British English informal used to say that something will be successful, even though there have been lots of problems:
Workmen have yet to finish the new complex, but the organisers are confident it will be all right on the night. ⇒
a bit of all right at
[TahlilGaran] Dictionary of Contemporary English ▲
all right all right1 adv. phr. 1. Well enough.
The new machine is running all right. 2. informal I am willing; yes.
"Shall we watch television?" "All right." Compare: VERY WELL.
3. informal Beyond question, certainly.
■ Used for emphasis and placed after the word it modifies.
It's time to leave, all right, but the bus hasn't come.all right2 adj. phr. 1. Good enough; correct; suitable.
His work is always all right. 2. In good health or spirits; well.
"How are you?" "I'm all right." 3. slang Good.
He's an all right guy. [TahlilGaran] English Idioms Dictionary ▲