anfractuous[adjective]Synonyms: winding, convoluted, flexuous, meandering, meandrous, serpentine, sinuous, snaky, tortuous
[TahlilGaran] English Synonym Dictionary ▲
anfractuous adjective.
[ǝn'fraktjʊǝs] L16.[from late Latin anfractuosus, from Latin anfractus a bending: see -OUS. Sense 2 from French anfractueux.]1. Winding, sinuous; roundabout, circuitous.
L16.■ Day Lewis A gorge of a street, anfractuous, narrow.2. Rugged, craggy.
E20.■ T. S. Eliot Paint me the bold anfractuous rocks Faced by the snarling and yelping seas. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲