arachnoid adjective & noun.
[ǝ'raknɔɪd] M18.[mod. Latin arachnoides from Greek arakhnoeidēs like a cobweb, formed as ARACHNID: see -OID.]A. adjective.
1. Anatomy. Designating or pertaining to a fine delicate membrane which is the middle of the three meninges enveloping the brain and spinal cord.
M18.2. Botany. Covered with or consisting of cobweblike hairs.
E19.3. Like an arachnid; arachnean.
M19.b. noun.
Anatomy. The arachnoid membrane.
E19.pia-arachnoid: see
PIA noun1.
■ arach'nitis noun =
arachnoiditis E19. ■ arach'noidal adjective =
ARACHNOID adjective 1
M19. ■ arachnoi'ditis noun inflammation of the arachnoid membrane
M19. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲