auscultate verb.
['ɔ:sk(ǝ)lteɪt] M18.[Latin auscultat- pa. ppl stem of auscultare hear with attention: see -ATE3.]1. verb intrans. Listen, hear.
M18.2. verb trans. Medicine. Examine by auscultation.
M19. ■ au'scult verb trans. & intrans. =
AUSCULTATE M19. ■ au'scultative adjective (
Medicine) of or pertaining to auscultation
M19. ■ auscultator noun (
Medicine) a person who examines by auscultation
M19. ■ auscultatory adjective of or pertaining to listening or (
Medicine) auscultation
M17. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲