bastinado[noun]Synonyms: blow, bash, bat, crack, pound, smack, smash, thwack, wallop, whack
[TahlilGaran] English Synonym Dictionary ▲
bas·ti·na·do (băs
dō, -nä
-) also
bas·ti·nade (-nād
, -näd
n. pl. bas·ti·na·does, also
bas·ti·nades► A beating with a stick or cudgel, especially on the soles of the feet.
► A stick or cudgel.
tr.v. bas·ti·na·doed, also
bas·ti·nad·ed bas·ti·na·do·ing, bas·ti·nad·ing bas·ti·na·does,
bas·ti·nadesTo subject to a beating; thrash.
[TahlilGaran] American Dictionary ▲