Bernoulli noun.
[bǝ:'nu:i, -'nu:li] M18.[Name of a Swiss family: sense 1 from Jacques (1654-1705), sense 2 from Daniel (1700-82), mathematicians.]1. a. Bernoulli numbers,
Bernoulli series,
Bernoulli's numbers,
Bernoulli's series, a series of rational numbers arising in formulae for the sums of powers of integers.
M18.b. Bernoulli law, =
law of large numbers s.v.
LARGE adjective.
M19.2. Bernoulli's theorem,
Bernoulli's principle, a statement of the inverse relation between pressure and the square of velocity in a steadily-moving incompressible fluid.
M19. ■ Bernoullian adjective (esp. with ref. to Bernoulli numbers):
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