blankety blank[adjective]Synonyms: damned, blamed, blasted, blessed, blooming, confounded, cursed, cussed, dad-burned, doggone, utter, all-fired, deuced, hell-fired, rank, tarnation
[TahlilGaran] English Synonym Dictionary ▲
blank‧e‧ty-blank /ˌblæŋkəti ˈblæŋk, ˌblæŋkɪti ˈblæŋk/
adjective [only before noun] American English spoken[
Date: 1800-1900;
Origin: blank; from the idea of an empty space taking the place of an impolite word]
used to show annoyance when you want to avoid swearing:
The blankety-blank key is stuck! [TahlilGaran] Dictionary of Contemporary English ▲