calcine verb.
['kalsʌɪn, -sɪn] LME.[Old French calciner or medieval Latin calcinare, from late Latin calcina lime, from Latin calc-, CALX.]1. verb trans.a. Reduce by roasting or burning to quicklime or a similar friable substance or powder.
LME.b. gen. Burn to ashes, consume by fire; roast.
E17.c. fig. Consume or purify as if by fire.
M17-E18.2. verb intrans. Undergo any of these processes.
E18.■ V. S. Naipaul In the dry season the earth baked, cracked, and calcined. ■ cal'cinable adjective M17. ■ cal'ciner noun (a) rare a person who calcines;
(b) a kiln or other apparatus for calcining:
M17. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲