canonic adjective - (music) in the form of a canon
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(also canonical)
included in a list of holy books that are accepted as what they are claimed to be - ● the canonic Gospels of the New Testament
(also canonical)
according to the law of the Christian ChurchTopics (also canonical)
accepted as belonging to the group of writers or works of literature that must be highly respected- ● canonic writers like Jane Austen
(also canonical)
accepted as being true, correct and established- ● the canonic methods of science as taught in the classroom
- (specialist)
(also canonical)
in the simplest accepted form in mathematics- ● the standard canonic form for a matrix
Word OriginOld English (as a noun): from Old French canonique or Latin canonicus ‘canonical’, from Greek kanonikos, from kanon ‘rule’. The adjective dates from the late 15th cent.
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