cantle noun & verb.
['kant(ǝ)l] ME.[Anglo-Norman cantel = Old French chantel (mod. chanteau) from medieval Latin cantellus dim. of Latin cant(h)us: see CANT noun1, -EL2.]A. noun.
1. A nook, a corner; a projecting corner or angle of land. Long
ME.b. A corner or other portion that has been cut off; a sliver.
LME-E17.2. A section or segment cut out of anything; a thick slice or cut of bread, cheese, etc.
arch. ME.b. A segment of a circle or sphere.
M16.3. A (separate or distinct) part or portion.
arch. ME.4. The protuberant part at the back of a saddle.
L16.5. The crown of the head.
Scot. E19.B. verb trans.1. Piece together (cloth). Only in
M16.2. Cut into segments, divide; portion
L16-L17. ■ cantlet noun (
arch.) a small part or portion
L17. ■ cantling noun =
cantlet L17-E19. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲