caruncle noun.
['karǝŋk(ǝ)l, kǝ'rʌŋ-] L16.[Obsolete French from Latin caruncula dim. of caro flesh: see -UNCLE.]A fleshy excrescence or swelling, such as that at the inner corner of the eye (the
lacrimal caruncle), or the wattles of a turkey, etc., or (
Botany) adjoining the micropyle of certain seeds.
■ ca'runcular adjective of the nature of or resembling a caruncle
M19. ■ ca'runculate adjective having a caruncle or caruncles
E19. ■ ca'runculated adjective (now
rare) =
carunculate E19. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲