choroid noun & adjective.
['kɔ:rɔɪd, 'kɒr-] M17.[Greek khoroeidēs adjective, for khorioeidēs, formed as CHORION + -OID.]Anatomy.
A. noun. The pigmented vascular layer of the eyeball, situated between the retina and the sclera.
M17.b. adjective. Resembling the chorion; choroidal.
M18.choroid coat,
choroid membrane =
choroid plexus a network of blood-vessels in each ventricle of the brain.
■ cho'roidal adjective of or pertaining to the choroid of the eye or the choroid plexus of the brain
L17. ■ choroi'ditis noun inflammation of the choroid
M19. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲