chuff noun & adjective. [tʃʌf] Now dial.
chuff noun & adjective. ['tʃʌf] Now dial.
chuff noun, interjection, & verb. [tʃʌf] Also redupl. chuff-chuff.
chuff noun. [tʃʌf] slang.
دهاتی، بی تربیت، روستامنش
chuff[noun]Synonyms: boor, bosthoon, churl, clodhopper, clown, grobian, mucker, miser, hunks, moneygrubber, muckworm, nabal, niggard, nipcheese, scrooge, skinflint, stiff
[adjective]Synonyms: sullen, chuffy, crabbed, dorty, gloomy, glum, morose, sulky, surly, ugly
[TahlilGaran] English Synonym Dictionary ▲
chuff(1) (ch
n.A rude, insensitive person; a boor.
[TahlilGaran] American Dictionary ▲
chuff(2) (ch
intr.v. chuffed, chuf·fing, chuffs To produce or move with noisy puffing or explosive sounds: Switch engines chuffed impatiently in busy rail yards (Robert Paul Jordan).
n.A noisy puffing or explosive sound, such as one made by a locomotive.
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