chump[noun]Synonyms: head, bean, coco, conk, dome, headpiece, noddle, noggin, noodle, poll, dunce, boob, booby, dolt, dolthead, fathead, goof, goon, lunkhead, oaf, fool, butt, dupe, fall guy, gudgeon, gull, mark, pigeon, sap, sucker
[verb]Synonyms: chew, champ, chaw, chomp, chonk, crunch, masticate, munch, ruminate, scrunch
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chump /tʃʌmp/
noun [countable][
Date: 1800-1900;
Origin: chump 'thick piece of wood' (18-19 centuries), perhaps from chunk + lump]
1. informal someone who is silly or stupid, and who is easily deceived
2. chump chop/steak British English a thick piece of meat with a bone in it
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