cinchona noun.
[sɪŋ'kǝʊnǝ] Also chinchona
M18.[mod. Latin, from Countess of Chinchón (d. 1641), vicereine of Peru, who introduced the drug to Spain.]1. An evergreen tree or shrub of the S. American genus
Cinchona, of the madder family, with fragrant flowers.
M18.2. =
cinchona bark below. Also, a drug made from cinchona bark.
cinchona bark the dried bark of a cinchona (as a source of quinine and other medicinal alkaloids).
■ cinchonicine,
■ cinchonidine nouns cinchona alkaloids isomeric with cinchonine
M19. ■ cinchonine noun an alkaloid, C
2, with febrifuge properties, found with quinine in cinchona bark
E19. ■ cinchonism noun poisoning due to excessive ingestion of cinchona alkaloids
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