collop noun1.
['kɒlǝp] LME.[from Scandinavian word repr. by Old Swedish kolhuppadher roasted on coals (from kol COAL noun + huppa leap, cf. SAUTé), Swedish kalops, dial. kollops dish of stewed meat.]1. In
pl. Orig., fried bacon and eggs. Later (in
collops and eggs), fried bacon. Now
dial. LME.2. A slice of meat (orig. fried or grilled); an escalope.
LME.b. In
pl. (A dish of) minced or chopped meat.
dial. M17.Scotch collops: see
SCOTCH adjective.
3. A piece of flesh;
fig. an offspring.
E16-M17.4. A thick fold of flesh on the body. Now
Scot. &
dial. M16.5. fig. A slice; a piece cut off.
Collop Monday (now
dial.) the Monday before Shrove Tuesday, on which bacon and eggs would be served.
[TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲
collop noun2.
['kɒlǝp] Anglo-Irish.
L17.[Irish colp(th)ach heifer, bullock.]A full-grown cow or horse;
transf. the quantity of grass or area of pasture needed for a cow for one year.
[TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲