congest[verb]Synonyms: fill, block, choke, clog, close, obstruct, occlude, plug, stop, stopper
[TahlilGaran] English Synonym Dictionary ▲
congest verb.
[kǝn'dʒɛst] LME.[Latin congest- pa. ppl stem of congerere collect, heap up, formed as CON- + gerere bear, carry.]1. verb trans. Bring or gather together; heap up, accumulate.
LME-M19.2. verb trans. Affect with congestion. Chiefly as
congested ppl adjective.
M19.Daily Telegraph Congested town centres.3. verb intrans. Gather together; congregate.
L19. ■ congestive adjective involving or produced by congestion
M19. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲