consuetude[noun]Synonyms: habit, custom, habitude, manner, practice, praxis, trick, usage, use, wont
[TahlilGaran] English Synonym Dictionary ▲
consuetude noun.
['kɒnswɪtju:d] LME.[Old French, or Latin consuetudo, from consuetus pa. pple of consuescere accustom, use, formed as CON- + suescere become accustomed: see -TUDE.]1. Custom, esp. as having legal force. Chiefly
Scot. LME.2. Familiarity; acquaintance.
E19. ■ consue'tudinal adjective customary, consuetudinary;
spec. in
Grammar, designating or in a mood of Celtic languages expressing customary action:
M17. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲