contestation noun.
[kɒntɛ'steɪʃ(ǝ)n] M16.[Latin contestatio(n-), from contestat- pa. ppl stem of contestari: see CONTEST verb, -ATION; partly through French.]1. a. Adjuration; solemn appeal or protest.
M16-E18.b. Ecclesiastical History. In the Gallican liturgy, the prayer immediately preceding the Canon of the Mass.
E18.2. Confirmation by sworn testimony; solemn asseveration.
L16-M17.3. A disputation; controversy, argument.
E17.b. An assertion contended for, a contention.
L19.4. The action of struggling against each other; conflict.
E17.5. Competition; rivalry. Latterly
Scot. Now
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