coronoid adjective & noun.
['kɒr(ǝ)nɔɪd] M18.[from Greek korōnē crow, anything hooked, coronoid process + -OID.]A. adjective.
Anatomy. Pertaining to or designating projections of bone likened to a crow's beak.
M18.coronoid fossa a hollow immediately above the trochlea on the anterior surface of the condyle of the humerus, into which the coronoid process of the ulna fits when the arm is bent.
coronoid process (a) a flattened triangular projection directed upwards and forwards on the ramus of the mandible;
(b) a projection from the front of the upper end of the ulna, immediately below the olecranon.
b. noun.
Zoology. A membrane bone in the lower jaw of certain lower vertebrates, projecting upwards behind the teeth.
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