crake noun1.
[kreɪk] Also (
ME.[Old Norse kráka, krákr, of imit. origin: cf. CROAK.]1. A crow, a raven.
north. ME.2. A bird of the family Rallidae,
esp. any of the shorter-billed kinds such as the corncrake and the members of the genus
Porzana (cf.
RAIL noun3).
SORA crake.
spotted crake Porzana porzana, a brown skulking marsh bird with a high, sharp call.
3. The harsh cry of the corncrake.
M19. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲
crake verb1 intrans. [kreɪk] LME.[Prob. imit.]1. Utter a harsh grating cry.
LME.2. Of a door etc.: grate harshly, creak. Now
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dial. M17. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲