cratch noun1.
[kratʃ] ME.[Old French creche (mod. CRèCHE) from Proto-Romance from Germanic base also of CRIB noun.]1. A rack for feeding animals out of doors; (now
dial.) a manger.
ME.2. A wooden grating; a sparred frame or rack.
dial. LME. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲
cratch verb & noun2.
[kratʃ] obsolete exc.
dial. ME.[Origin uncertain: its meaning associates it with Middle Low German, Middle Dutch kratsen, Old High German krazzōn (German kratzen), Old Swedish kratta to scratch.]A. verb.
1. verb trans. & intrans. Scratch.
ME-M16.2. verb trans. Snatch (as) with claws; grab.
LME-L16.b. noun.
1. Scratching, an itch. Only in
ME.2. In
pl. A sore condition of the feet of horses or sheep; scratches (see
SCRATCH noun 2a).
E16. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲