crème noun.
[krɛm (pl. same); kreɪm] Also crême.
E19.[French =
CREAM noun2.]
1. Cream; a cream, a custard. Used esp. in names of desserts and liqueurs (see below).
E19.crème anglaise
['gleɪz] [French = English] a rich egg custard. crème brûlée
[bryle, 'bru:leɪ] [French = burnt] a cream or custard dessert topped with caramelized sugar. crème caramel
[karamɛl, 'karǝmɛl] a custard dessert made with whipped cream and eggs and topped with caramel. crème Chantilly
[ʃtiji, ʃan'tɪli] whipped cream sweetened and flavoured with vanilla. crème de cacao
[dǝ kakao, kǝ'kɑ:ǝʊ] a chocolate-flavoured liqueur. crème de menthe
[dǝ m:t, 'mɑ:nt, 'mɒnƟ] a peppermint-flavoured liqueur. crème de noyau
[dǝ nwajo, 'nwʌɪǝʊ] an almond-flavoured liqueur. crème fraiche
['frɛʃ] [French = fresh] a type of thick cream made from double cream with the addition of buttermilk, sour cream, or yogurt. crème renversée
[rvɛrse, 'rɛnvǝ:seɪ] [French = inverted] a custard turned out of a mould.
crème de la crème [dǝ la, lɑ:], the pick of society; the élite.
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