customable adjective & adverb.
['kʌstǝmǝb(ǝ)l] ME.[Anglo-Norman custumable, Old French cost-, formed as CUSTOM noun: see -ABLE.]A. adjective.
1. Customary, usual.
ME-M17.2. Of a person: accustomed (
to); wont (
to do); (with agent-noun) habitual.
ME-L16.■ R. Pecock King Saul was a wickid customable synner.3. Liable to duty, dutiable.
LME.B. adverb. Customarily; habitually.
ME-M17. ■ customableness noun LME-M18. ■ customably adverb (now
dial.) customarily; habitually, usually:
ME. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲