diapason[noun]Synonyms: melody, air, descant, lay, measure, melisma, melodia, strain, tune, warble, range, gamut, scale, spectrum
[TahlilGaran] English Synonym Dictionary ▲
di·a·pa·son (dī
zən, -sən)
n.► A full, rich outpouring of harmonious sound.
► The entire range of an instrument or voice.
► Either of the two principal stops on a pipe organ that form the tonal basis for the entire scale of the instrument.
► The interval and the consonance of an octave.
► A standard indication of pitch.
► A tuning fork.
[TahlilGaran] American Dictionary ▲
diapason [Middle English
diapasoun, from Latin
the whole octave, from Greek
dia pāsōn (khordōn),
through all (the notes) :
through; see
dia- +
pāsōn, feminine genitive pl. of
every; see
pant- in Indo-European Roots.]
[TahlilGaran] American Dictionary ▲