dies noun.
['di:eɪz, Law 'dʌɪi:z] Pl. same.
A day. Only in (chiefly legal) phrs.: see below.
Dies irae
[,di:eɪz 'ɪǝrʌɪ, 'ɪǝreɪ] [Latin = day of wrath] a 13th-cent. Latin sequence formerly obligatory in a requiem mass in the Roman Catholic Church. dies non
[dʌɪi:z 'nɒn] Law =
dies non juridicus below. dies non juridicus
[,dʌɪi:z nɒn dʒʊǝ'rɪdɪkǝs], pl. juridici
[lit. 'day not (judicial)'] Law a day on which no legal business is done; a day that does not count or cannot be used for a particular purpose.
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