digitate adjective.
['dɪdʒɪtǝt, -eɪt] M17.[Latin digitatus, formed as DIGIT: see -ATE2.]1. Zoology. Having separate fingers or toes.
M17.2. Botany &
Zoology. Divided into parts resembling fingers; having deep radiating divisions.
M18. ■ digitately adverb M19. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲
digitate verb.
['dɪdʒɪteɪt] M17.[medieval Latin digitat- pa. ppl stem of digitare point at, indicate, formed as DIGIT: see -ATE3.]1. verb trans. Indicate.
rare. Only in
M17.2. verb intrans. Become divided into finger-like parts.
M18. ■ digi'tation noun (a) the action of touching or pointing with the finger;
(b) the condition of being digitate;
(c) a finger-like process or division:
M17. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲