discommend[verb]Synonyms: disapprove, deprecate, discountenance, disesteem, disfavor, frown, object
Antonyms: commend, recommend
Contrasted words: approve, endorse, sanction
Related Words: admonish,
censure [TahlilGaran] English Synonym Dictionary ▲
discommend verb.
[dɪskǝ'mɛnd] LME.[from DIS- 2 + COMMEND verb.]1. verb trans. & intrans. Find fault (with), express disapproval (of).
LME.2. verb trans. Speak dissuasively of; advise against the use etc. of.
M16.3. verb trans. Cause to be received or looked on unfavourably. Now
rare or
L16. ■ discommendable adjective (a) worthy of censure;
(b) not to be recommended:
E16. ■ dis,commen'dation noun the action or an act of discommending
L16. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲