discordant[adjective]Synonyms:- disagreeing, at odds, clashing, conflicting, contradictory, contrary, different, incompatible
- inharmonious, cacophonous, dissonant, grating, harsh, jarring, shrill, strident
Antonyms: concordant
Contrasted words: according, agreeing, congenial, harmonious, harmonizing
[TahlilGaran] English Synonym Dictionary ▲
dis‧cord‧ant /dɪsˈkɔːd
ənt $ -ɔːr-/
adjective1. formal a discordant sound is unpleasant because it is made up of musical notes that do not go together well
2. literary strange, wrong, or unsuitable in relation to everything around
Antonym : harmonious:
The modern decor strikes a discordant note in this old building.3. formal not in agreement:
discordant results from the experiment [TahlilGaran] Dictionary of Contemporary English ▲