dismal[adjective]Synonyms: gloomy, bleak, cheerless, dark, depressing, discouraging, dreary, forlorn, sombre, wretched
Contrasted words: animated, gay, lively, cheerful
[TahlilGaran] English Synonym Dictionary ▲
dis‧mal /ˈdɪzm
Date: 1300-1400;
Language: Anglo-French;
Origin: Medieval Latin dies mali 'evil days']
1. if a situation or a place is dismal, it is so bad that it makes you feel very unhappy and hopeless:
The future looks pretty dismal right now. a dismal, grey afternoon2. bad and unsuccessful:
The team’s record so far is pretty dismal. Her scheme was a dismal failure.—dismally adverb [TahlilGaran] Dictionary of Contemporary English ▲