distrait adjective. [dɪ'streɪ, 'dɪstreɪ, distrɛ] Fem. distraite [-eɪt, -ɛt].
distrait[adjective]Synonyms: abstracted, absent, absentminded, bemused, faraway, inconscient, lost, preoccupied, distraught, distracted, distressed, harassed, tormented, troubled, worried
[TahlilGaran] English Synonym Dictionary ▲
dis·trait (dĭ-strā
adj.Inattentive or preoccupied, especially because of anxiety: When she did not occupy her accustomed chair at the seminar, Freud felt uneasy and distrait (Times Literary Supplement).
[TahlilGaran] American Dictionary ▲
distrait [Middle English, from Old French, past participle of
to distract, from Latin
distrahere. See
[TahlilGaran] American Dictionary ▲