diverticulum noun.
[dʌɪvǝ'tɪkjʊlǝm] Pl. -la
M17.[medieval Latin = byway, var. of Latin deverticulum, from devertere turn down or aside, from de DE- 1 + vertere to turn: see -CULE.]1. A byway; a way out, a means of exit.
M17-E18.2. Medicine. A blind tube or sac forming a side-branch of a cavity or passage,
esp. an abnormal one in the colon etc.
E19.Meckel's diverticulum: see
Zenker diverticulum,
Zenker pulsion diverticulum,
Zenker's diverticulum,
Zenker's pulsion diverticulum: see
ZENKER noun1.
■ diverticular adjective pertaining to, affecting, or of the nature of a diverticulum
M19. ■ diverticulate adjective having a diverticulum
L19. ■ ,diverticu'lectomy noun (an instance of) surgical removal of an abnormal diverticulum
E20. ■ ,diverticu'litis noun (
Medicine) inflammation of an abnormal diverticulum, esp. in the intestine
E20. ■ ,diverticu'losis noun (
Medicine) the presence of abnormal diverticula, esp. in the intestine
E20. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲