dottle noun1 & adjective.
['dɒt(ǝ)l] LME.[from DOTE verb1 or noun1 + -LE1.]A. noun. A fool, a silly person; a dotard. Now
Scot. LME.b. adjective. In a state of dotage; deranged; silly.
Scot. E19.Also
■ dottled adjective (
E19. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲
dottle noun2.
['dɒt(ǝ)l] Also
LME.[from DOT noun1 + -LE1.]1. A plug for a barrel or other vessel. Cf.
DOSSIL noun 1.
LME-M18.2. (A plug of) tobacco left at the bottom of a pipe after smoking.
E19. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲