dreg[noun]Synonyms: sediment, deposit, grounds, lees, precipitate, precipitation, settlings, rabble, canaille, mass(es), mob, proletariat, ragtag and bobtail, riffraff, scum, trash, unwashed
[TahlilGaran] English Synonym Dictionary ▲
dreg noun & verb.
[drɛg] ME.[Prob. of Scandinavian origin: cf. Old Norse pl. dreggjar, Middle Swedish dräg, Swedish pl. drägg.]A. noun sing. & (usu.) in
pl.1. The sediment of a liquor; grounds, lees.
ME.■ Dickens He flings the dregs of his wine at Edwin.2. Excrement; rubbish; corrupt matter.
ME-M17.3. The most worthless part or parts; the refuse.
M16.■ W. Styron You must be part of the bottomless dregs of this loathsome city.4. The last remains or traces;
sing. a small remnant, a small quantity or drop.
L16.■ E. Bowen At first, in those dregs of daylight, he saw nobody there.B. verb trans. Infl.
-gg-. Make dreggy.
E17-E19. ■ dreggish adjective (now
rare) of the nature of dregs or refuse; affected by dregs;
fig. base, vile:
M16. ■ dreggy adjective containing dregs; of the nature of dregs; turbid, polluted; impure:
LME. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲