drib[verb]Synonyms: drip, distill, dribble, drop, trickle, trill, weep
[noun]Synonyms: drop, driblet, droplet, globule, gobbet
[TahlilGaran] English Synonym Dictionary ▲
drib noun.
[drɪb] Chiefly
Scot. &
dial. exc. in phr. below.
E18.[from the verb or DRIBBLE noun, DRIBLET.]An insignificant quantity; a driblet.
dribs and drabs colloq. [DRAB noun4] small and intermittent sums or amounts.
[TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲
drib verb.
[drɪb] Infl.
E16.[Alt. of DRIP verb.]1. verb intrans. Fall in drops;
fig. go on little by little. Only in
E16.2. verb trans. Let fall in drops;
fig. utter as in driblets. Now
M16.3. verb trans. Shoot (an arrow) so that it falls short or wide of the mark. Cf.
DRIBBLE verb 1.
M-L16. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲